*** Our next monthly Club meeting will be held on Tues. Apr. 8th at 6:00pm at Curry Chevrolet in Scarsdsle, NY ***
The Westchester Corvette Club conducted a long distance cruise to Niagara Falls between Thurs. Sept. 19th and Mon. Sept. 23rd, 2019. Eight cars made the scenic run during beautiful weather and all had a wonderful time!
The Westchester Corvette Club held its Annual Holiday Party at The Stone Manor 101 in Hawthorne, NY on Sat. Feb. 2nd. A good time was had by all. Check out some of the photos below. Another successful social event thanks to the Event Committee!
Our first car show of 2019 was on Sunday, July 28th at North Castle Community Park in Armonk NY. We had over 110 vehicles register. Click here to see some photos of the participating vehicles and trophies awarded.
The Westchester Corvette Club had its first run of the year to Shadows Restaurant in Poughkeepsie, NY on Sunday April 28th. It was a rainy day, but over 20 cars still made the run. A great time was had by all at the buffet brunch.
Chevrolet, the Chevrolet Emblem, Corvette, and the Corvette Emblem are all registered trademarks of General Motors Corporation.